Saturday, January 31, 2009


...randomkitsandpieces will be open again:) How exciting! Lots of new fabrics & kits and real treasures! Whoo hoo. Soooo, stop on by, and have a looksie. The Jars of Goodness have been restocked, also I sourced some delicious fabrics from Fun to Kawaii cuteness! Also, tons of Vintage laces, pretty trims and ...well, you'll see.

Fat Quarters tied w/ vintage lace + geisha tag

Everything packaged for maximum cuteness!
(e.g: paperbag, cellophane or tissue paper tied with a tag! sssh, its a surprise)
On another note! Who is excited about school starting! This is our eldest daughter's final year at primary school (year 8) before she heads of to high school next year! Wow, I fondly remember my first day at high school..hahahaha. I'll save you the drama. Our kids are sooo excited about their stationery packs. I adore new stationery!! I want a new math book..and felts! And nothing beats a brand new backpack and lunchwear! Oh, to be a school kid again..ok, maybe not! LOL:):) Hey, what was your fave thing about your first day at school for the year?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Perfect day for

.....scrapbooking! How I've missed it. I keep thinking about how our children will love them even more so when they have their own families and future generations. How special that it is that I took the time to make pages with love + details. How special they will be when they have their own albums to hand on. That's what so great about this hobby. Totally made with love.
I adore Jorjy's facials in this shot (taken two weeks after Christmas)....gigs, she just so cute + cheeky!
Soooo, I had to scrapbook it asap:):) Lil' Miss Whizzo. She's made her own Powerpoint presentations with her logo's and drawings. She's 3 going on 30 I tell ya.

Oh and aren't these cute badges? She got them from her lil friend (from pre-school) for Christmas. Soooo sweet huh! Adore the squirrels:)

Annnnnd, some sneak peaks are up in the store! Wahoo.

tfv always:):)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Why! Helllllo there sunshine!

Thought it about time to get back into a routine! Heehee. Crazy? Yes. Fun? Definately.
I trust you all had a fabulous + beautiful Christmas/New Years! It so fun having holidays, and the family being together and just being relaxed and free!
I have big plans this year. I can't wait. No time like the present...I will let you know as I go along. Twiddle dwiddle dee. Humming along. With my umbrella for the rain and my shades for the sun. Heehee.
Starting in Feb, RK+P will be opening up again, and we plan on having lots of fun stuff happening there. Not just a lil' store, but an ideas station as well. Things that have been made with the materials and kits. And maybe some Guest Designers too. We'd love everyone to jump in and create with our kits. New fabrics, new stuff + vintage finds. Randomgoodness.
Its so good to be getting back into blogging. I've missed it. Well, a lil' bit anyway. Gigs.
Annnnnd, some pics. I would love this book! It looks adorable. Handmade hellos. Oh, swoon!

Aren't these retro cool! Popcorn paperbags:):) Totally sweet-i-e!

Annnd, this gorgeous pic I spotted online. I can't remember where from...but its fab.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


Still asleep! LOL.
this is a very short post! Sorry, so not paper related! (Apart from the book LOL). I'm enjoying the hols. You too huh? Well deserved! I'll get back to normal blogging (is there such a thing? LOL) later. But.....
Have you seen it? Its taken over the Entertainment world! A friend called it Twitlight. I couldn't help but laugh. Actually though, I liked it. Alot. But, it was at times funny! I laughed during some scenes...I can see why they are replacing the director for the sequel; New Moon. The way she directed the movie, it came out a tiny bit like a comedy! But the story line is good. And Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is just so dam cute in the flick. Can see why teenage girls everywhere are going ga-ga! And I can't wait to bite (pun fun here!) into the book/s! Glad I have seen the flick first though. And, hello is it just me! But did you know that Ella (Kristen Stewart) is the lil' girl that played Jodie Foster's daughter in Panic Room! My, she's grown!
Hope you are enjoying the holidays! We certainly bedtimes, no stress about waking up! Doing whatever, whenever! Aaaaah. Holidays:):)