everynight for the last month, I've been spending at least 2 hours
in the craft studio (heehee, love saying that...more like made over
garage) and i've just been playing around with my sprays, punches,
papers and bits and pieces and making new pretties for rk+p :-)
nothing inspires more,
than to whip out my scraps of goodness and going thru all
the sweet lil' pieces.
than to sit at my desk and look around at the shelves and
organised (and disorganised) things and bottles and piles of
than to look at my rolls of paper and felt swatches all in a row.
to make some lil' things, but nothing in particular.
well, you get my drift. lol.
which brings me to another project...
RK+P is back into the swing of things...pop on over and we hope you smile*