Wednesday, July 30, 2008

*L O V E* me some lil' bookies

Thought I would show you some colour by showing you some lil' projects I've been creating....I call 'em my lil' bookies! heehee..cute! Made from kraft cardstock and pale blue index cards, these guys are fun and easy to make! Here's my cover...

and the index card pages inside...I've added some lil' colourful tabs to write subjects on!

And this lil' bookie is covered with apple fabric and has cardstock pages and a matching red fabric back. Tie with string, or use rings for easier turning..add your ingredients or leave blank for a friend.

Annnnnd, do you like this lil' sewing kit...its wicked, cos' the needles are already threaded! Wahoo! Here's the cool you want one? I have two to giveaway...just be the first two people to email me and one is yours:) Some cotton lovin'!
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Mistress Meeyee said...

Hey I would like one. Do I need to send an email or is this comment okay??

Alison said...

Love your little books you have made...your so creative

Lara said...

cute as books!

& you are such a sweetie giving them away!

Anonymous said...

Hey, loving these books. Too cute! Also loving the snow LO below. Clever girl!

Anonymous said...

that lil sewing kit is rad! where did you get it from?
love the blog sis! xx

Kirstin Anderson-McGhie (Keamac) said...

Awww these are so cute! You're so clever - how do you come up with all these awesome ideas?